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Navigating BigQuery Timestamp Functions: An Insightful Guide

Welcome to our detailed guide on BigQuery Timestamp functions, designed for data professionals, SQL Developers, and IT Consultants who perform complex data manipulations. These functions are crucial for managing and analyzing time-based data. They enable you to convert, format, and calculate time intervals accurately.


By mastering these functions, you can refine your data analysis and gain more precise insights. This guide aims to simplify these concepts, ensuring you can apply them effectively in your data projects.

Demystifying Timestamp Functions in Google BigQuery

BigQuery's timestamp functions are key in managing and analyzing time-sensitive data. These functions help in handling intricate date and time calculations, which are vital for data specialists. These functions, including extracting, adding, or subtracting time elements, are fundamental for detailed data analysis in SQL. They empower data engineers and analysts to perform sophisticated time-based queries, enhancing the quality and accuracy of their reports and insights. This makes timestamp functions indispensable in the realm of data analytics.

Navigating Date and Time Types for Enhanced Data Analysis

Understanding the different date and time types in BigQuery - DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP is essential for precise data analysis. Each type serves a unique purpose, from representing simple calendar dates to detailed time-stamped records with timezone accuracy.

Analysts can tailor their queries to extract meaningful insights and improve data accuracy by selecting the appropriate type, as SQL can be used for various data analysis purposes.

DATE type

The DATE type in BigQuery represents a calendar date, such as YYYY-[M]M-[D]D, without specifying the time of day, independent of any time zone. It is ideal for tracking events or milestones that occur on specific days but does not require time precision.

For example, DATE '2024-03-20' indicates the 20th of March, 2024. Businesses often use the DATE type to record dates of transactions or events in financial and operational reports.

💡If you want to learn how to manipulate and analyze dates in BigQuery. Read our latest guide to explore the syntax, usage, and practical examples for DATE function.


The TIME type in BigQuery captures the time of day, independent of the time zone formatted as [H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.F], without associating it with a specific calendar date. This type is suitable for managing daily schedules, shift timings, or recurring events within 24 hours.

An example is TIME '15:30:00', representing 3:30 PM. Companies may use this to schedule shifts or plan daily activities without linking to a particular date.


BigQuery's DATETIME type represents a combination of a Gregorian date and a time, similar to what might be displayed on a watch, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.FFF], where .FFF represents fractional seconds up to microsecond precision. This type is designed to represent civil time, independent of any time zone. It includes detailed components such as year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and subsecond, ensuring precise control over both date and time elements.

The canonical format for DATETIME is specified as:

  • civil_date_part: YYYY-[M]M-[D]D
  • time_part: { |T|t}[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.F]


  • YYYY denotes a four-digit year.
  • [M]M represents one or two digits for the month.
  • [D]D signifies one or two digits for the day.
  • { |T|t} is a space or a 'T'/'t' separator, indicating the start of the time component.
  • [H]H is one or two digits for the hour (00 to 23).
  • [M]M is one or two digits for the minutes (00 to 59).
  • [S]S is one or two digits for the seconds (00 to 60).
  • [.F] covers up to six fractional digits, providing microsecond precision.


The TIMESTAMP type in BigQuery represents a specific moment in time, including date and time unaffected by any time zone or daylight saving time (DST) conventions; this format provides microsecond precision.

Keep in mind that a timestamp does not inherently contain a time zone; it universally represents a specific moment in time. A timestamp denotes an absolute moment in time without any inherent time zone, representing the same instant globally. Although a timestamp itself lacks a time zone, for human readability, it is often displayed with a Gregorian date and time in a specific time zone, such as "2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" or "2019-12-31 19:00:00 America/New_York".

When displaying event data and no specific time zone is mentioned, the default presentation is in UTC. For instance, the timestamps "2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC", "2019-12-31 19:00:00 America/New_York", and "2020-01-01 05:30:00 Asia/Kolkata" all display different local times but correspond to the same exact moment globally.

Canonical Format

The canonical format for a timestamp literal in BigQuery includes these components:

  • civil_date_part: YYYY-[M]M-[D]D
  • time_part: { |T|t}[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.F]
  • [utc_time_zone], [time_zone], or [time_zone_offset] : Specifies how the timestamp is presented, with the default being Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) unless another time zone or offset is explicitly mentioned.

Format Details:

  • YYYY: Four-digit year.
  • [M]M: One or two-digit month.
  • [D]D: One or two-digit day.
  • { |T|t}: A space, T, or t, used as a separator between the date and time portions.
  • [H]H: One or two-digit hour (00 to 23).
  • [M]M: One or two-digit minute (00 to 59).
  • [S]S: One or two-digit second (00 to 60).
  • [.F]: Up to six digits representing fractional seconds for microsecond precision.

Google BigQuery TIMESTAMP Functions

BigQuery's timestamp functions, such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, EXTRACT, FORMAT_TIMESTAMP, and TIMESTAMP_DIFF, enable advanced manipulation and analysis of time-based data. These functions facilitate tasks ranging from fetching the current timestamp to calculating intervals and formatting timestamps into readable strings.


The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in BigQuery returns the exact moment when the query begins execution, not when the function itself is specifically evaluated within the query, including the date and time, with UTC time zone.

This function helps add timestamps to records, track changes, or measure the duration of events in real time. It ensures that data entries are accurately marked with the time of their creation or modification, facilitating time-based analysis and reporting.




  • This function does not require any arguments.
  • It returns the current date and time with UTC time zone.

Example: Imagine you're managing an e-commerce website and want to record the exact time an order is placed. You can use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() in your SQL insert statement to stamp the order entry.

INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date) 
Displays retrieving the current timestamp at query execution time using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function.

In this example:

  • INSERT INTO orders: It is the SQL command to add a new record into the orders table.
  • (order_id, order_date): specifies the columns to populate.
  • VALUES (‘12345’, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()): sets the order_id to 12345 and order_date to the current date and time, ensuring each order is timestamped precisely when processed.


EXTRACT is a function in BigQuery that retrieves specific parts from a timestamp column, such as year, month, day, or hour. It's beneficial for analyzing trends over time, aggregating data by specific time frames, and simplifying complex date/time data into more manageable components.


EXTRACT(part FROM timestamp [AT TIME ZONE time_zone])


  • part: The specific component of the date or time you want to extract (e.g., YEAR, MONTH, DAY).
  • timestamp: The source from which to extract the date or time part.
  • [AT TIME ZONE time_zone] (Optional): Allows specifying a time zone in which to interpret the timestamp before extracting the part. If provided, this adjusts the timestamp to the specified time zone before performing the extraction. If this clause is omitted, the timestamp is interpreted in UTC. The time_zone can be an identifier like 'America/New_York' or an offset from UTC like '+01:00'.


To analyze sales data by month, you can extract the month from the sales timestamp.

AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles') 
    AS sale_month, COUNT(*) 
    AS total_sales
FROM sales;
GROUP BY sale_month;
Highlights extracting specific date or time components from a timestamp using the EXTRACT function.

In this example:

  • EXTRACT (MONTH FROM sale_date AT TIME ZONE "America/Los_Angeles"): This function extracts the month part from the sale_date column, considering the time zone as "America/Los_Angeles".
  • MONTH: Extracts the month part from the sale_date.
  • AS sale_month: Names the extracted month column as sale_month.
  • COUNT(*): Counts the total number of sales in each month.
  • GROUP BY sale_month: Groups the results by month.


FORMAT_TIMESTAMP formats a timestamp into a formatted string, allowing for a customized presentation of date and time values. It helps generate reports, displaying dates in user-friendly formats, and aligning timestamp data with specific regional or business requirements.


FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(format, timestamp[, time_zone])


  • format: A string template that defines the output format of the timestamp.
  • timestamp: The timestamp value to format.
  • time_zone (Optional): This is a string that specifies the time zone to be considered when formatting the timestamp. If not provided, the function defaults to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This parameter allows you to adapt the timestamp output to the relevant geographical context.

Example: You can use the following syntax to display the date in a readable format for a report.

SELECT FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%b %d, %Y', order_date) 
    AS formatted_date
FROM orders;
Formatting a timestamp value into a human-readable string using the FORMAT_TIMESTAMP function.

In this example:

  • %b %d, %Y: Formats the date as "Month day, Year" (e.g., "Jan 01, 2024").
  • order_date: The column with the original timestamp data.
  • AS formatted_date: Labels the output column as formatted_date.


The PARSE_TIMESTAMP function converts a string representation of a timestamp into a TIMESTAMP object, enabling further manipulation and analysis within SQL queries. This function is essential for importing and standardizing textual date and time data within BigQuery, ensuring that these values are consistently formatted and easily queryable. Each component of the date and time string must match a corresponding format element in the provided format string, with each element's position in the format string aligning precisely with its position in the date-time string.


PARSE_TIMESTAMP(format_string, timestamp_string[, time_zone])


  • format_string: The format string that the input string should conform to.
  • timestamp_string: The actual string to be converted into a timestamp. This should be a string literal or a column that contains string representations of timestamps which match the pattern defined in format_string.
  • time_zone (Optional): Specifies the time zone to be considered when parsing the timestamp. This can be a string indicating a time zone name (e.g., 'America/New_York') or a UTC offset (e.g., '+01:00'). If omitted, the timestamp is assumed to be in UTC.

Example: Suppose you are converting a date string from a log file into a timestamp for analysis, you can use the following syntax.

SELECT PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', log_date) 
    AS timestamp_converted
FROM logs;
Shows parsing a string into a timestamp using the PARSE_TIMESTAMP function with a specified format.

In this example:

  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: The format of the date and time in the log_date column.
  • log_date: The column containing the date strings to be converted.
  • AS timestamp_converted: Names the converted column as timestamp_converted.


The STRING function in BigQuery converts a timestamp into a string. This function allows for an optional specification of a time zone. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used as the default.


STRING(timestamp_expression [,time_zone])


  • timestamp: The timestamp value to convert into a string.
  • time_zone (Optional): Specifies the time zone in which you want the timestamp to be formatted when converting to a string. If provided, the timestamp is first adjusted to the specified time zone before it is converted to a string format. If omitted, the timestamp is formatted in the UTC time zone. The time zone can be specified as a string, such as 'America/New_York' or 'Europe/London'.

Example: The following syntax can be used to display the timestamp of an event in a newsletter.

     STRING(event_time, "America/Los_Angeles") 
        AS converted_date
 FROM events;
Converts timestamp values into strings using a predefined format for clarity and presentation.

In this example:

  • event_time: The timestamp column to be converted.
  • AS converted_date: The result is aliased as converted_date.
  • America/Los_Angeles : Specifies that the timestamp should be formatted according to Los Angeles time.

💡 Tired of complex text manipulation in BigQuery? Discover how to simplify your data processing with powerful string functions! Learn how to automate text processing and eliminate the limitations of manual data handling. Check out our complete guide on using String functions effectively in BigQuery.


TIMESTAMP converts a date or datetime or string expression into a timestamp, standardizing date-time values for consistent analysis and storage. This function is essential for integrating date and time data from various sources into a unified timestamp format in BigQuery. This function includes an optional time zone parameter. If the time zone is not specified, it defaults to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


TIMESTAMP(string_expression[, time_zone])
TIMESTAMP(date_expression[, time_zone])
TIMESTAMP(datetime_expression[, time_zone])


  • string_expression[, time_zone]: Converts a string that must include a timestamp literal into a timestamp. If the string expression already includes a time zone within the timestamp literal, it is not necessary to use an explicit time_zone argument.
  • date_expression[, time_zone]: Converts a date to the earliest possible timestamp for that date. If a time_zone is specified, the timestamp reflects that time zone; otherwise, UTC is assumed.
  • datetime_expression[, time_zone]: Converts a datetime into a timestamp, with the optional specification of a time zone to accurately reflect the intended moment.

Example: Suppose you wish to convert a series of date entries from a form into timestamps for database storage, you can use the following syntax.

   TIMESTAMP(submission_date, "America/Los_Angeles") 
        AS timestamp_converted
FROM form_submission;
Provides an example of creating a timestamp value from specific date and time inputs.

In this example:

  • submission_date: The column containing date values to be converted.
  • AS timestamp_converted: Names the output column as timestamp_converted.
  • America/Los_Angeles : This specifies the time zone in which the ‘submission_date’ should be interpreted. The function adjusts the provided submission_date to UTC time using the time zone that was specified.


TIMESTAMP_ADD adds a specified number of units to a timestamp, where the units can range from microseconds to days, independent of any time zone. This function is independent of any time zone, making it highly versatile for various time-related calculations in global applications. It is ideal for operations like scheduling future events, computing expiry dates, or conducting detailed time-based analyses.


TIMESTAMP_ADD(timestamp_expression, INTERVAL int64_expression date_part)


  • timestamp_expression: The base timestamp to which time will be added. This expression should evaluate to a timestamp.
  • int64_expression: A signed integer value that represents the number of time units to add to the timestamp_expression.
  • date_part: Specifies the unit of time to add. Valid units are MICROSECOND, MILLISECOND, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, and DAY.

Example: Suppose you need to calculate the end time of a two-hour meeting. If you have a table named meetings with a column meeting_start that records the start times of various meetings, you can use the TIMESTAMP_ADD function to determine when the meeting will end by adding the duration to the meeting’s start time.

  TIMESTAMP_ADD(meeting_start, INTERVAL 2 HOUR) 
       AS meeting_end
FROM meetings;

In this example:

  • meeting_start: This is the column or expression that supplies the initial timestamp to which the interval will be added.
  • INTERVAL 2 HOUR: A SQL keyword used to specify that the following numeric value represents a duration rather than a point in time. “2” is the quantity of the interval units to add to the initial timestamp.
  • HOUR: The unit of time to be added. In this case, 2 hours will be added to each timestamp provided by meeting_start.
  • AS meeting_end: Used here to create an alias for the resulting timestamp after the addition of the time interval. The alias name given to the output column that will store the computed end times of the meetings.


TIMESTAMP_DIFF calculates the difference between two timestamps, providing precise insights into durations and time intervals at a particular time granularity. This function is vital for analyzing time elapsed between events, measuring durations, and conducting time-based comparisons in datasets.


TIMESTAMP_DIFF(timestamp_end, timestamp_start, unit)


  • timestamp_end: The ending timestamp.
  • timestamp_start: The starting timestamp.
  • unit: The unit of time to express the difference in (e.g., SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR).

Example: Suppose you want to calculate the duration of customer service calls. To find out how long a customer service call took, you can use the following syntax.

    TIMESTAMP_DIFF(call_end, call_start, MINUTE) 
        AS call_duration
FROM customer_calls;
Shows how to calculate the difference between two timestamp values using the TIMESTAMP_DIFF function.

In this example:

  • call_end and call_start: The end and start times of the call.
  • MINUTE: The time difference is measured in minutes.
  • AS call_duration: The result is labeled as call_duration.


TIMESTAMP_MICROS is a function that converts an integer representing the number of microseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) into a TIMESTAMP data type. This conversion enables high-precision tracking of events and is particularly useful in contexts such as performance monitoring, event logging, and scientific research where exact time measurements are crucial.




  • int64_expression: An integer expression representing microseconds since the Unix epoch.

Example: In a high-frequency trading system, precise tracking of the exact moment a trade occurs is essential. Here's how you can use TIMESTAMP_MICROS to convert the microseconds of a trade into a standard TIMESTAMP format.

SELECT TIMESTAMP_MICROS(trade_time_micros) 
    AS trade_time
FROM trades;

In this example:

  • trade_time_micros: Represents the microseconds of when the trade occurred.
  • AS trade_time: The result is a standard TIMESTAMP representing the exact time of the trade.


TIMESTAMP_MILLIS interprets an int64_expression as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC) and converts it to a TIMESTAMP. This function is particularly useful for converting millisecond-based time representations, commonly found in logs and time-stamped data from various programming environments and systems, into a human-readable timestamp format.




  • Int64_expression: An expression that results in a 64-bit integer, representing milliseconds since the Unix epoch. The function uses this integer value to generate a corresponding TIMESTAMP.

Example: Suppose, you have a system that records event times in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, and you need to convert these into a readable timestamp format for analysis, you could use.

    AS event_timestamp
FROM event_log;

In this example:

  • event_millis: This column in event_log stores the time of each event in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
  • TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(event_millis): Converts the milliseconds into a standard TIMESTAMP, making it easier to work with in queries and reports.


TIMESTAMP_SECONDS converts an integer expression representing the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970, at UTC) into a TIMESTAMP. This function is essential for interpreting Unix time (seconds since the epoch) and transforming it into a human-readable timestamp format, which is easier to use in temporal analyses and reporting.




  • Int64: An expression resulting in a 64-bit integer that represents the total number of seconds since the Unix epoch. This integer value is used by the function to generate a corresponding TIMESTAMP.

Example: Suppose you have a system that logs events in seconds from the Unix time and you need to analyze these events in a more comprehensible format, the following syntax can help you do that.

SELECT TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(event_unix_time) AS event_timestamp
FROM event_log;

In this example:

  • event_unix_time: This is the column in event_log that records the time of each event in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(event_unix_time): Converts the seconds from the Unix time to a TIMESTAMP, making it easier to perform time-based calculations and improve readability for reporting and analytics.


TIMESTAMP_SUB subtracts a specified time interval from a timestamp, independent of any time zone, enabling date and time calculations like finding past dates or scheduling reminders. This function is crucial for back-dating or forecasting events in data analysis.


TIMESTAMP_SUB(timestamp, INTERVAL value unit)


  • timestamp: The starting timestamp from which the interval is subtracted.
  • INTERVAL value unit: The amount of time to subtract, where value is the quantity and unit is the time unit (e.g., DAY, HOUR).

Example: Suppose you have assigned your team a task with a 7-day deadline. You can use the following syntax.

    AS task_deadline
FROM projects;
Subtracting an interval from a timestamp using the TIMESTAMP_SUB function.

In this example:

  • project_due_date: Column with the project deadlines.
  • task_deadline: The calculated deadline for completing the task.


TIMESTAMP_TRUNC truncates a timestamp to a specified unit of time, such as the nearest day, hour, or minute. It's used for normalizing timestamps to a common granularity, simplifying trend analysis and reporting by aligning data to regular time intervals.


TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, unit [, time_zone])


  • timestamp: The timestamp to truncate.
  • unit: The granularity to truncate to (e.g., DAY, HOUR).
  • time_zone (Optional): Allows specification of the time zone in which the truncation should occur. When provided, this argument adjusts the input timestamp to the specified time zone before truncating it. If omitted, the function defaults to UTC. Acceptable values include time zone names (e.g., 'America/Los_Angeles') or a UTC offset (e.g., '-08:00').

Example: Suppose you want to aggregate sales data to the first of each month for monthly sales reporting, the following syntax can be used for the same.

SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(sale_timestamp, MONTH) AS first_of_month, SUM(sales_amount) AS monthly_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY first_of_month;
Explains truncating a timestamp to a specified granularity using the TIMESTAMP_TRUNC function.

In this example:

  • sale_timestamp: Column containing the timestamps of sales.
  • first_of_month: Represents the truncated timestamp to the first of the month.
  • SUM(sales_amount): Aggregates the total sales for each month.


The UNIX_MICROS function in BigQuery converts a timestamp into microseconds since Unix time. This is useful for precise time calculations, comparing timestamps, and converting human-readable dates into a numerical format that computer systems can easily process.




  • timestamp: The timestamp value to convert to microseconds since Unix time.

Example: Suppose, you work for an e-commerce company and aim to speed up the checkout process. To identify areas for optimization, you plan to measure transaction times in BigQuery, from when a customer clicks "checkout" to completion.

You can use the following syntax.

SELECT UNIX_MICROS(end_time) - UNIX_MICROS(start_time) 
     AS transaction_duration
FROM transactions;
Highlights converting a timestamp to microseconds since the UNIX epoch using the UNIX_MICROS function.

In this example:

  • end_time and start_time: Columns representing the end and start times of a transaction.
  • transaction_duration: The difference in microseconds between the start and end times.


UNIX_MILLIS converts a timestamp into milliseconds since Unix time. This function is key for applications requiring time measurements in milliseconds, enabling precise timing and synchronization of events.




  • timestamp: The timestamp to be converted into milliseconds since Unix time.

Example: Suppose, you're overseeing a feedback submission system on a website. To optimize response times, you track the milliseconds it takes to process each submission.

The following syntax will help in tracking the execution time of a process in milliseconds.

SELECT UNIX_MILLIS(finish_time) - UNIX_MILLIS(start_time) 
     AS execution_time
FROM processes;

In this example:

  • finish_time and start_time: Columns representing the finish and start times of a process.
  • execution_time: The calculated duration of the process in milliseconds.



UNIX_SECONDS function transforms a timestamp into seconds since Unix time, which is the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970, at UTC), offering a simple way to represent time points in long-term storage and comparison across different time zones. Because Unix time is based on UTC, it allows for straightforward comparisons of timestamps from data collected across different time zones without the need for additional conversion. This uniformity is critical in scenarios where data integration and synchronization among systems in various geographical locations are required.

Additionally, using Unix time can simplify the process of calculating durations and intervals between events recorded in different local times, ensuring that comparisons are accurate and consistent irrespective of the originating time zone.




  • timestamp: The timestamp to convert into seconds since Unix time.

Example: Suppose, you're analyzing ticket response times in a customer support system. Using BigQuery, you calculate the age of each ticket in seconds to prioritize older tickets for faster resolution.

For analyzing the age of records in seconds, you can use the following syntax.

FROM records;
Depicts converting a timestamp to UNIX seconds using the UNIX_SECONDS function.

In this example:

  • CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(): Gets the current timestamp to compare with.
  • creation_time: The column that contains the creation timestamps of the records.
  • age_seconds: The age of each record in seconds.

The Critical Role of Timestamp Functions in Data Analysis

Timestamp functions in BigQuery play a crucial role in data analysis, enabling precise time-based data tracking, comparison, and historical data analysis.

  • Precise Event Timing: Timestamp functions allow for the exact recording of when events occur, providing granular detail down to seconds or even milliseconds. This precision is crucial for applications like financial transactions, where the exact time of trades, can significantly impact analysis and reporting.
  • Trend Analysis Over Time: By using timestamp functions, analysts can track trends and patterns over specific periods, facilitating more accurate forecasting and strategic planning. For example, analyzing sales data monthly or yearly to identify seasonal trends or growth patterns.
  • Historical Data Comparison: Timestamps enable the comparison of data across different time periods, helping to understand historical changes, progress, or regression. Analysts can compare financial performance, user activity, or inventory levels across various timestamps to gauge development or decline.
  • Data Synchronization: In environments where data is collected from multiple sources, timestamp functions help synchronize data, ensuring that records from different systems can be accurately aligned based on their time of occurrence or entry.
  • Efficiency in Data Processing: Timestamps streamline data processing by allowing quick sorting, filtering, and querying of records based on their date and time attributes. This efficiency is essential in real-time data analytics and operational monitoring, where timely data processing is critical.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Auditing: Timestamping data is essential for audit trails and compliance reporting for businesses subject to regulatory requirements. It provides a verifiable and immutable record of when transactions or activities took place.
  • Support for Timezone Conversions: Timestamp functions in BigQuery represent an absolute point in time, independent of any time zone, ensuring uniform interpretation across all geographic locations. Although timestamps themselves do not contain time zone data, BigQuery allows for the display of timestamps in different time zones for human readability. This feature facilitates the analysis of global data sets by enabling users to view the same point in time through various local time perspectives, maintaining accuracy and consistency in time-based data management.

How Timezones Work With Timestamp Functions

Understanding timezones in timestamp functions ensures accurate time-based data analysis across different geographical locations.

  • Global Time Coordination: Timestamp functions in BigQuery represent an absolute point in time, independent of any time zone, which is crucial for coordinating global events. This ensures that data recorded at different times and places can be accurately synchronized and compared on a consistent scale, such as UTC. If necessary, users can apply specific time zones to these timestamps to facilitate localized analysis or reporting, maintaining the integrity of the data's timing across various regions.
  • Localized Data Representation: When displaying data to users in different geographic locations, timestamp functions can return UTC timestamps into local timezones, making the data more relevant and understandable for the end-user. This return enhances the usability of time-based data by presenting it in the local context.
  • Timezone Conversion Functions: BigQuery offers functions such as PARSE_TIMESTAMP and EXTRACT that incorporate time zone parameters to facilitate conversions between civil time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) and the absolute time represented by a timestamp. This capability is essential for accurately presenting and analyzing data across multiple time zones in reports and dashboards. For example, PARSE_TIMESTAMP can interpret a civil time as an absolute timestamp based on a specified time zone, while EXTRACT can convert a timestamp into civil time for a specific component, such as hours or days, in a given time zone. If no time zone is specified, UTC is used by default. These features ensure that time-based data remains consistent and comparable regardless of geographic location.
  • Scheduling and Automation: In data workflows, understanding timezone differences is key to scheduling tasks and automations. Timestamp functions can ensure that these activities are triggered at the correct local time across different regions, enhancing the efficiency of global operations.

By effectively managing and understanding timezones in timestamp functions, organizations can achieve more accurate and meaningful time-based data analysis, ensuring that insights derived from the data are relevant and actionable across all operational regions.

Expand Your Knowledge with These BigQuery Functions

BigQuery offers a variety of functions that can help you manipulate and analyze timestamp data effectively. By mastering these functions, you can enhance your data processing capabilities and streamline your workflow.

  • Conversion Functions: Master functions like TIMESTAMP, FORMAT_TIMESTAMP, and PARSE_TIMESTAMP to seamlessly convert between formats.
  • Aggregate Functions: Use functions like MIN, MAX, AVG to perform operations on timestamp data across multiple rows.
  • Navigation Functions: Navigate through timestamps with functions like TIMESTAMP_ADD, TIMESTAMP_SUB, and TIMESTAMP_DIFF.
  • Conditional Expressions: Implement conditional logic with functions like IF, CASE, and COALESCE to handle various timestamp scenarios.
  • Array Functions: Utilize functions like ARRAY_AGG, ARRAY_CONCAT, and UNNEST to efficiently work with arrays of timestamps and perform advanced data manipulations.

Resolving Common Challenges with BigQuery Timestamp Functions

Common issues like timestamp overflow, format string mismatches, and ambiguity in function usage can hinder effective data analysis. To tackle these, practitioners need to employ best practices such as validating data ranges, ensuring accurate format strings in PARSE_TIMESTAMP, and clearly distinguishing between column names and function names. Addressing these challenges head-on enhances the reliability and precision of timestamp-based data operations in BigQuery.

Addressing Timestamp Overflow Issues

⚠️ Error Message: "Overflow error: value out of range"

Timestamp overflow happens when a date or time exceeds BigQuery's allowable range, typically for dates before 0001-01-01 or after 9999-12-31. This error often arises during arithmetic operations on dates or when importing data from sources with a wider supported date range.

✅ Solution:

To prevent timestamp overflow, ensure that all date and time values fall within BigQuery's supported range. Use functions like SAFE_CAST to handle potential overflow by returning NULL instead of causing an error. Regularly check and sanitize data inputs to avoid exceeding these limits.




  • expression: The date or datetime expression to be cast.
  • AS TIMESTAMP: Specifies the desired type to cast to, ensuring safe conversion.

Example Application: Suppose you're importing historical data with dates that might fall outside BigQuery's supported range. Use SAFE_CAST to handle these cases:

     AS safe_date
FROM historical_records;
Explains handling and avoiding overflow errors when working with large timestamp values.

In this example:

  • ancient_date: A column that may contain out-of-range dates.
  • SAFE_CAST(ancient_date AS TIMESTAMP): Converts ancient_date to a TIMESTAMP safely, returning NULL for any value that causes an overflow.
  • safe_date: The resulting column name for the safely cast timestamps.

This approach ensures that the data import process won't fail due to timestamp overflow, allowing further analysis without disruption.

Resolving Format String Mismatch in PARSE_TIMESTAMP

⚠️ Error Message: "Failed to parse input string"

This error occurs when the format string in PARSE_TIMESTAMP does not match the actual format of the input string. For instance, if the input string is in DD-MM-YYYY format, but the function expects YYYY-MM-DD, the mismatch will lead to a parsing error.

✅ Solution:

To resolve this, ensure that the format string in PARSE_TIMESTAMP exactly matches the format of the timestamp string you are trying to convert. Check the input data for consistency and use the correct format specifiers to match the year, month, day, and time elements.

Clarifying Unspecified Fields in PARSE_TIMESTAMP

⚠️ Error Message: "Failed to parse timestamp: Missing necessary fields"

This error occurs in BigQuery's PARSE_TIMESTAMP function when the input string doesn't contain all the elements required by the format specifier. For example, if the format expects date and time, but the string contains only the date, BigQuery cannot parse it accurately and throws an error.

✅ Solution:

Ensure that the input string completely matches the format string in PARSE_TIMESTAMP. If certain time components are missing, either modify the input to include them or adjust the format string to match the input data accurately. Testing with different formats can help identify the correct structure for parsing.

Ambiguity Between Column Names and Functions

⚠️ Error Message: Ambiguous column reference 'column_name'

This error occurs when a column name in your SQL query matches a function name, and BigQuery cannot determine if you are referring to the column or the function. This ambiguity can lead to incorrect query execution and unexpected results.

✅ Solution:

To resolve this issue, use aliases for columns or provide fully qualified column names (including the table name). This clarification helps BigQuery distinguish between column names and function names, ensuring the correct interpretation of the query.


SELECT table_name.column_name
AS alias_name FROM table_name;


  • table_name.column_name: Provides a fully qualified column name, which includes the name of the table followed by a dot and the column name. This helps to avoid any ambiguity when the same column name exists in multiple tables or matches a function name.
  • AS alias_name: Renames the output of the selected column to alias_name, making the result set easier to understand or use in further operations or reporting. It is a temporary name assigned to table_name.column_name in the results of the query. It improves readability and helps avoid confusion, especially in larger queries involving multiple fields or calculations.
  • FROM: Specifies the source table from which to retrieve the data. Essential for determining where the query will search for the specified columns.

Example application: Imagine you have a column named timestamp in a table event_log, which could conflict with the TIMESTAMP function in BigQuery:

SELECT event_log.timestamp 
AS event_timestamp FROM event_log;

In this example:

  • event_log.timestamp: Fully qualifies the column name to avoid ambiguity with the TIMESTAMP function.
  • AS event_timestamp: Aliases the timestamp column to event_timestamp to clearly differentiate it in the query.

Imagine a tool seamlessly extending BigQuery's Timestamp functions directly into Google Sheets, simplifying complex queries. With this integration, data professionals gain enhanced flexibility and efficiency in manipulating and analyzing data, bridging the gap between BigQuery's powerful capabilities and the familiar interface of Google Sheets.

Boost Your Data Reporting Capabilities with OWOX BI BigQuery Reports Extension

Our exploration of BigQuery's timestamp functions reveals how they can transform how we handle data. Instead of just processing timestamps, we use them to uncover important insights and make better decisions.

With practical examples and the OWOX BI BigQuery Reports Extension, you can turn your timestamp data into actionable intelligence effortlessly.

This extension simplifies working with timestamp data in BigQuery, making every manipulation more efficient and impactful. It's like having a guiding light through the complexities of timestamp analysis

By combining the OWOX BI Add-on with BigQuery, you can enhance your analysis and extract valuable insights from your timestamp data with ease. This collaboration makes every timestamp an opportunity to discover valuable information, streamlining your path to informed decisions.


What is the format of a timestamp in BigQuery?
How does TIMESTAMP differ from DATETIME in BigQuery?
What are the main functions of timestamp functions in BigQuery?
How can TIMESTAMP_TRUNC be used in BigQuery?
What is the purpose of using the timestamp data type in BigQuery?

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