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How to SPLIT Cells in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating data formatting in Google Sheets? Look no further than the SPLIT function – a robust tool designed to divide text from a single cell into multiple cells using a specified delimiter.

This function is crucial for efficiently managing and organizing large datasets, allowing you to cleanly separate compound information such as names, addresses, and more into distinct columns.


Ideal for restructuring imported data or refining lists for detailed analysis, mastering the SPLIT function can dramatically enhance your spreadsheet operations.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the SPLIT function step-by-step – from fundamental techniques to advanced applications – ensuring you can effortlessly organize your data for maximum clarity and effectiveness.

💡Mastering the SPLIT function can significantly streamline your data manipulation in Google Sheets. To expand your skills further, check out our YouTube tutorial where we explore additional powerful Google Sheets functions, providing visual insights and step-by-step instructions to elevate your spreadsheet capabilities.

Benefits of Splitting Cells in Google Sheets

Splitting cells in Google Sheets offers significant benefits for organizing and analyzing data more effectively. By dividing text, numbers, or other content within a single cell into multiple cells, you can make large datasets more manageable and visually comprehensible.

1. Improved Data Organization

This process is especially useful for:

  • Separating first and last names
  • Breaking down dates
  • Extracting key data points from combined information

Splitting cells enables better sorting and filtering, helping users categorize and analyze data quickly.

2. Compatibility with Other Tools

It also ensures compatibility with other tools or systems that require data in specific formats. For instance, marketing specialists can extract email domains from addresses, while data analysts can separate metrics for granular analysis.

3. Enhanced Accuracy and Clarity

Moreover, this feature enhances the accuracy of calculations and ensures clarity when presenting data.

Overall, the ability to split cells streamlines workflows, saves time, and improves data usability, making it an essential tool for professionals across various fields.

SPLIT Cells in Google Sheets

The SPLIT function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for breaking down data within a cell into multiple parts based on a specified delimiter, such as commas, spaces, or other characters.

This function simplifies data organization, making it easier to analyze and manage information, whether separating names, parsing text, or restructuring datasets for better insights.

Syntax of SPLIT Function

The SPLIT function in Google Sheets is a versatile tool used to divide text in a cell into multiple cells based on a specified delimiter. Here's the full syntax:

=SPLIT(text, delimiter, [split_by_each], [remove_empty_text])

Let’s break down each part for better understanding:

  • text: This is the input data to be split. It can be a direct text string or a reference to a cell containing the text.
  • delimiter: The character(s) used to divide the text.
  • split_by_each (optional): A logical value (TRUE/FALSE) that determines whether each character in the delimiter string acts independently.
  • remove_empty_text (optional): Another logical value (TRUE/FALSE) that determines whether empty cells resulting from consecutive delimiters are removed.

Understanding the syntax of SPLIT allows users to customize how data is divided, ensuring flexibility when dealing with diverse datasets. Whether you're parsing email addresses, separating dates and times, or reformatting lists, the SPLIT function is an essential tool for efficient data management in Google Sheets.

Example of SPLIT Function

A basic use case for the SPLIT function in Google Sheets is splitting a name into its first and last components. This is particularly helpful when working with lists of full names in a single column, and you need to separate them into two distinct columns for better organization or analysis.

Let's use the formula:

=SPLIT(B3, " ")

Here’s the breakdown:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the full name you want to split.
  • " ": Specifies a space as the delimiter, meaning the text will be split wherever a space occurs.

The SPLIT function automatically places the first word in the first column and the second word in the next column. This approach is ideal for names with only two parts, such as "John Doe." This technique is simple yet powerful for scenarios such as:

  • Preparing a contact list with separate first and last names.
  • Formatting data for mail merges or CRM systems.
  • Extracting first or last names for personalized marketing campaigns.

By using the SPLIT function with minimal effort, you can save significant time when organizing text-based data like names.

Alternate Method to Split Cells in Google Sheets Without Formula

If you prefer not to use formulas, Google Sheets offers a built-in Split Text to Columns feature, which is an easy and efficient way to split cells. This method is particularly useful for quickly dividing text in a column without altering your dataset with additional formulas.

Steps to split cells in Google Sheets without formula:

Step 1 - Select the Data: Highlight the column or cells containing the text you want to split.


Step 2 - Access the Feature: Go to the menu bar, click on Data → Split text to columns.


Step 3 - Choose the Delimiter: In the small drop-down box that appears, select the delimiter that applies to your data (e.g., space, comma, or custom).


This approach automatically splits the data into adjacent columns, preserving the original formatting while making it easier to work with individual components.


Benefits of This Method:

  • Quick and Intuitive: No need to write formulas, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Dynamic: Works well for one-time data preparation or when formula-based results aren't needed.
  • Customizable: Allows you to select various delimiters or define a custom one.

This alternate method is ideal for users who need a straightforward, formula-free solution to splitting data in Google Sheets. It’s particularly handy for tasks like splitting names, addresses, or CSV exports.

Use Cases of SPLIT Function in Google Sheets

The SPLIT function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for breaking down data into smaller parts. It is widely used for organizing information, making datasets easier to read and manage. Whether working with text, numbers, or complex strings, the function helps simplify data processing and improve overall clarity.

Splitting Data by Comma Delimiter

Splitting data by a comma delimiter is one of the most common use cases for the SPLIT function in Google Sheets. It is particularly useful for parsing lists, addresses, or any dataset where values are separated by commas. The SPLIT function identifies the comma as the dividing point and splits the data into separate cells.

The formula will be:

=SPLIT(B3, ",")

Let’s break it down:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the text to be split.
  • ",": Specifies a comma as the delimiter for splitting the text. Each instance of a comma marks the boundary between separate cells.

This formula creates a new column for each value between commas, making it easier to work with individual data points. Using the SPLIT function with a comma delimiter makes organizing and analyzing data in Google Sheets more efficient, saving time and effort when dealing with large datasets

Separate Date and Time Values into Different Columns

In datasets where date and time values are combined into a single cell, separating them into distinct columns can simplify analysis and improve readability.

Using the SPLIT function in Google Sheets, you can easily divide these values based on the space delimiter between the date and time components.

Let's use the formula:

=SPLIT(B3, " ")

Here’s the breakdown:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the combined date and time value.
  • " ": Specifies a space as the delimiter, which separates the date and time in most formats.

The function places the date in one column and the time in the next, creating clear distinctions for each value. By splitting date and time values into separate columns, you can streamline data processing and create more structured, user-friendly datasets.

Combining SPLIT with Other Google Sheet Functions

The SPLIT function becomes even more powerful when combined with other Google Sheets functions. These combinations allow for more advanced data processing and organization, making it easier to handle large or complex datasets. This versatility helps streamline workflows and enables deeper insights into your data.

Split a Column with ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT

The combination of ARRAYFORMULA and SPLIT in Google Sheets allows you to split an entire column of text values into multiple columns dynamically, without dragging the formula down. This method is especially useful when working with large datasets or frequently updated data, as it automates the splitting process.

The formula will be:


Let’s break it down:

  • B3:B10: Refers to the range of cells in the column that contains text values to be split.
  • ",": Specifies the delimiter, in this case, a comma, used to divide the text into parts.
  • ARRAYFORMULA: Wraps the SPLIT function to apply it across all rows in the selected column simultaneously.

This formula automatically splits all values in the column at once, saving time and eliminating the need for repetitive actions. Using ARRAYFORMULA with SPLIT simplifies workflows, particularly when working with dynamic or growing datasets, making it an essential tool for efficient data management.

Convert Split Cells into Rows Using TRANSPOSE Function

Using the combination of SPLIT and TRANSPOSE in Google Sheets, you can transform split data from columns into rows. This technique is particularly useful for restructuring data, such as converting names or lists into a vertically aligned format for better readability or processing.

Let's use the formula:


Here’s the breakdown:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the full name that needs to be split.
  • " ": Specifies the space as the delimiter to separate the first and last names.
  • TRANSPOSE: Converts the horizontally split data into vertical rows.

This formula splits the names into individual components (first name and last name) and aligns them vertically, making it easier to view or use in other tasks.

You can also apply the formula to a range of cells using:


Here’s the breakdown:

  • B4:B10: The range of cells containing text that you want to split into individual words.
  • SPLIT(B4:B10, " "): The function splits the text in each cell of B4:B10 into multiple words using the space (" ") as the delimiter.
  • ARRAYFORMULA: Allows the SPLIT function to process the entire range B4:B10 at once, rather than requiring a separate formula for each cell.
  • TRANSPOSE: Converts the rows of the resulting array into columns.

This method makes it easy to structure your data dynamically while maintaining clarity and efficiency.

Split Text and Remove Extra Columns with SPLIT and QUERY

The SPLIT and QUERY functions in Google Sheets work together to split text into multiple columns and filter only the ones you need. This is useful when dealing with datasets that contain extra information you want to exclude, making your data cleaner and easier to analyze.

The formula will be:

=QUERY(ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(B3:B10, ", ")), "select Col1, Col3", 0)

Let’s break it down:

  • SPLIT(B3:B10, ", "): Splits the text in the Products Purchased column by the comma and space delimiter.
  • ARRAYFORMULA: Applies the SPLIT function across the range.
  • QUERY: Filters the split data to display only specific columns.
  • select Col1, Col3: Selects the first and third columns of the split data.
  • 0: Indicates that the dataset does not have headers.

This formula ensures that only the relevant split columns are included in the results, ignoring unnecessary data. Using SPLIT with QUERY allows you to refine large datasets into more usable formats without unnecessary manual effort, making data management faster and more efficient.

Extracting the N-th Word with INDEX and SPLIT

When working with text data in Google Sheets, you can extract a specific word (the N-th word) from a sentence or string using the INDEX and SPLIT functions. This approach is highly useful for isolating key details, such as extracting a specific product or location from a list.

Let's use the formula:

=INDEX(SPLIT(B3, " "), 2)

Here’s the breakdown:

  • SPLIT(B3, " "): Splits the text in cell B3 by spaces, creating an array of individual words.
  • INDEX(..., 2): Extracts the second word (or any N-th word) from the split array. Replace 2 with any number to extract the corresponding word.

This formula provides a simple and efficient way to isolate a specific part of a text string without manually editing the data. Using INDEX with SPLIT is a flexible way to extract precise data points from text, saving time and effort while working with structured or semi-structured datasets.

💡While the SPLIT function allows you to efficiently separate data within a cell, mastering the INDEX and MATCH functions can transform your data lookup techniques. Dive into our comprehensive guide on INDEX and MATCH in Google Sheets to harness these powerful functions for advanced data retrieval.

Unpivot Your Data with SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA and FLATTEN

The combination of SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA, and FLATTEN functions in Google Sheets enables you to unpivot data, transforming it from a wide, grouped format into a clean vertical format. This technique is especially useful for datasets where multiple columns of related information need to be consolidated into individual rows for further analysis.

The formula will be:

=ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(FLATTEN(C2:E2&"🦊"&B3:B10&"🦊"&C3:E10), "🦊"))

Let’s break it down:

  • C2:E2: Refers to the headers for the product categories, such as product attributes or types.
  • B3:B10: Refers to the identifiers, such as names or unique keys, that will be included in the unpivoted rows.
  • C3:E10: Refers to the actual data in the grouped columns that need to be unpivoted.
  • &"🦊": Combines the values from the headers, identifiers, and data with a unique separator (🦊) to ensure accurate splitting.
  • FLATTEN: Converts the combined arrays into a single, continuous array.
  • SPLIT(..., "🦊"): Splits the flattened array into individual rows and columns, creating a vertical dataset.

This formula creates a dynamic, unpivoted format while preserving the relationships between data elements. Why this method is useful:

  • Data Normalization: Transform complex, grouped datasets into a simplified, structured format for analysis.
  • Better Compatibility: Prepare data for use with pivot tables, BI tools, or database imports.
  • Automation: Handle dynamic or frequently updated datasets with ease, reducing manual work.

This method of using SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA, and FLATTEN ensures an efficient and scalable way to unpivot data, making it more manageable and analysis-ready.

Alphabetize Strings Using JOIN, SORT, TRANSPOSE and SPLIT

You can alphabetize comma-separated strings in Google Sheets using a combination of SPLIT, SORT, TRANSPOSE, and JOIN functions. This method splits the string into individual components, arranges them in alphabetical order, and combines them back into a single, sorted string. It’s especially useful for organizing product lists, tags, or other grouped text fields.

Let's use the formula:


Here’s the breakdown:

  • SPLIT(B3, ", "): Splits the text in cell B3 (e.g., products purchased) into separate components based on the comma and space delimiter.
  • TRANSPOSE: Converts the horizontally split text into a vertical array, preparing it for sorting.
  • SORT: Alphabetically arranges the transposed array.
  • JOIN(", ", ...): Combines the sorted text back into a single string, separated by commas and spaces.

This formula ensures that grouped text data is neatly arranged in alphabetical order. This combination of functions efficiently organizes text strings, making it easier to work with grouped or unsorted data in Google Sheets.

Splitting and Combining Strings with SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA, TRIM and JOIN

Using SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA, TRIM, and JOIN, you can dynamically split text from the Tags column in your dataset, clean extra spaces, and recombine them with an appended phrase or format. This approach is perfect for standardizing or enhancing grouped text fields, such as adding descriptive tags.

The formula will be:

=ARRAYFORMULA(TRIM(JOIN(", ", SPLIT(C3, ", ") & " category")))

Let’s break it down:

  • SPLIT(C3, ", "): Splits the text in cell C3 (e.g., tags) into individual components based on the comma and space delimiter.
  • & " category": Appends the string " category" to each tag, creating a consistent format.
  • TRIM: Removes unnecessary spaces, ensuring clean output.
  • ARRAYFORMULA: Applies the process across all split components.
  • JOIN(", ", ...): Combines the processed components back into a single string, separated by commas and spaces.

This formula splits, cleans, appends additional details, and recombines the text into a polished format. This approach automates the enhancement and formatting of text fields in your dataset, making it clean, professional, and analysis-ready.


Using the combination of SPLIT, ARRAYFORMULA, FLATTEN, TRIM, UNIQUE, and QUERY, you can extract a clean, alphabetized list of unique items from grouped, comma-separated fields in Google Sheets. This method is particularly useful when you want to deduplicate and organize data, such as product lists or tags, from multiple rows.

Let's use the formula:

=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(UNIQUE(TRIM(FLATTEN(SPLIT(C3:C10, ",")))), "where Col1 is not null order by Col1"))

Here’s the breakdown:

  • C3:C10: Refers to the Products Purchased column in your dataset containing grouped, comma-separated values.
  • SPLIT(C3:C10, ","): Splits each cell’s contents into individual items based on the comma delimiter.
  • FLATTEN: Converts the split results into a single vertical array, combining all rows into one list.
  • TRIM: Removes any leading or trailing spaces from each item to ensure clean results.
  • UNIQUE: Filters out duplicate items, leaving only distinct values.
  • QUERY(..., "where Col1 is not null order by Col1"): Removes blank rows and alphabetizes the unique items.

This formula dynamically creates a clean, sorted list of unique items from your grouped data. This formula is ideal for cleaning, organizing, and analyzing large datasets with grouped fields, saving time and improving data clarity.

Addressing Common Pitfalls of SPLIT Function

The SPLIT function in Google Sheets is a versatile tool for dividing text, but certain challenges can arise during its use. Being aware of potential issues and knowing how to address them can help you avoid errors and make the most of this feature.

Dates and Times Cannot Be Split

⚠️ Error: The SPLIT function does not work as expected when applied to a cell containing both a date and time (e.g., 12/31/2024 23:00:00) if the cell is formatted to display only the date (e.g., 12/31/2024). This is because the function treats the combined value as a single data entity and cannot split it into components without the proper format.

Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure the cell or range of cells is formatted to display both the date and time. Navigate to Format → Number → Date Time, or use the shortcut Alt + O, N, I to apply the correct Date Time format. This ensures the SPLIT function can recognize and process the full value accurately.

Cannot Split Certain Cells from a Column

⚠️ Error: The SPLIT function or the Split Text to Columns feature may fail to activate for certain cells if the entire column or appropriate cell range is not selected. This can result in some cells being left unsplit or processed incorrectly.

Solution: To address this issue, ensure you select the full range of cells that require splitting. If any cells fall outside the selected range, split them separately by either using the Split Text to Columns feature or applying the SPLIT function directly to those specific cells.

#REF! Error when Using SPLIT

⚠️ Error: The #REF! error occurs when using the SPLIT function if there is insufficient space to accommodate the output of the split values. This happens when the cells to the right of the function's output are not empty, preventing the results from propagating properly.

Solution: Ensure there is enough empty space to the right of the cell containing the SPLIT function to accommodate all split outputs. If necessary, clear adjacent cells or move the SPLIT function to a location with sufficient space for the results to expand without obstruction.

Best Practices and Tips for Using SPLIT Function

To get the most out of the SPLIT function in Google Sheets, it’s essential to follow best practices and utilize helpful tips. By understanding how to handle delimiters, manage output spaces, and integrate SPLIT with other formulas, you can enhance its efficiency and avoid common errors.

Be Aware of Case Sensitivity in Delimiters

When using the SPLIT function in Google Sheets, it’s important to be aware of case sensitivity in delimiters. The function treats delimiters as case-sensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters are considered distinct. For example, if you specify “A” as the delimiter, the function will split the text at each uppercase “A” but will ignore lowercase “a.”

To ensure accurate results, double-check the case of your delimiters or consider using functions like UPPER or LOWER in conjunction with SPLIT to standardize the text before splitting. Understanding this nuance can help you avoid unexpected outcomes in your data processing.

Ensure Sufficient Space for SPLIT Output

When using the SPLIT function in Google Sheets, ensure there is enough space in your sheet to accommodate the resulting output. The SPLIT function expands across multiple columns (and rows, if applicable) to display each segment of the split text. If adjacent cells are already occupied, the function will return a #REF! error, indicating a conflict with existing data.

To avoid this, check that the necessary range of cells is empty before applying the function, or clear the area to make room for the output. Proper preparation ensures smooth and error-free use of the SPLIT function.

Wrap Ranges in cc When Using SPLIT

To apply the SPLIT function to multiple rows or a range of data, you need to wrap it in the ARRAYFORMULA function. By default, SPLIT only works on a single cell, so attempting to use it directly on a range will result in an error.

Wrapping SPLIT in ARRAYFORMULA enables it to process each cell in the specified range, splitting the contents across rows or columns as needed. This approach is especially useful when working with large datasets, as it automates the splitting process across the entire range without requiring individual formulas for each cell.

💡Splitting cells sets the stage for organizing data, but when you need to apply formulas across multiple ranges dynamically, ARRAYFORMULA steps in. Enhance your Google Sheets skills further by exploring our detailed guide on ARRAYFORMULA, where you'll learn how to supercharge your spreadsheets with bulk operations and complex calculations.

Utilize SPLIT Output in Combination with Other Formulas

The SPLIT function in Google Sheets can be combined with other formulas to enhance its utility and streamline data processing. For instance, you can nest SPLIT within ARRAYFORMULA, TEXTJOIN, or QUERY to dynamically manipulate the split output.

By integrating SPLIT with these functions, you can perform operations like rejoining split data with specific delimiters or filtering and summarizing the results based on defined criteria. This flexibility makes SPLIT a powerful tool for handling complex datasets, enabling you to create dynamic, automated workflows that go beyond basic text splitting.

Key Google Sheets Functions for Advanced Data Analysis

Google Sheets provides a robust set of functions that streamline data analysis, helping users organize, analyze, and extract valuable insights from complex datasets. These functions are essential for managing data efficiently and uncovering trends with ease.

  • IMPORTRANGE: Imports a range of cells from another spreadsheet, enabling seamless data consolidation across multiple sources.
  • SEARCH: Locates the position of specific text within a string, useful for identifying patterns or key information in your data.
  • COUNTA: Counts non-empty cells in a range, perfect for tracking data entries and monitoring dataset completeness.
  • MAX, MIN, MEDIAN: Quickly identify the maximum (MAX), minimum (MIN), or median (MEDIAN) values in a dataset to summarize key metrics.
  • ROUND: Rounds numbers to the nearest specified digit, ensuring data is formatted neatly and consistently.
  • FILTER: Extracts data that meets specified conditions, allowing for dynamic data analysis based on criteria.

Visualize Your Data Efficiently with OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots Extension

Mastering the SPLIT function is a great way to organize your data, but handling large datasets efficiently requires more. The OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets empowers you to go beyond manual tasks with automated reports, dynamic charts, and seamless data imports.

Whether you’re splitting cells or creating advanced analytics, OWOX makes it easy to focus on insights instead of repetitive work. Install the OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots Extension today and elevate your spreadsheet experience!


What is the SPLIT function in Google Sheets?
Can I use multiple delimiters with the SPLIT function?
Why do I see a #REF! error when using SPLIT?
Are delimiters in the SPLIT function case-sensitive?
Can I use a cell range as the input for the SPLIT function?
How do I split text into rows instead of columns?
Can I combine SPLIT with other functions?
Does the SPLIT function work on numbers?
How do I handle splitting data with inconsistent delimiters?
Can the SPLIT function handle blank cells?

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