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Mastering the UNIQUE Function in Google Sheets: A Detailed Guide

If you’re always juggling data, getting to know the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets is a game changer. This guide is going to show you how it works - the WHAT, WHY, and HOW - as well as how it can make your data management a lot smoother.


Whether you’re a data analyst, project manager, teacher, or anyone who uses spreadsheets, this function helps sort and filter data. Say goodbye to duplicates and sharpen your analysis. Understanding the UNIQUE in sheets is key to effective data manipulation.

This function is a lifesaver for managing and analyzing data. It removes duplicate entries, keeping your data clean and accurate. To use it, simply enter =UNIQUE(array) in sheets.It helps manage and analyze data by removing duplicates and keeping it accurate. Just enter =UNIQUE(array) to use it.

Note: This article was originally published in February 2024 and was updated in November 2024 for accuracy and relevance in marketing analytics.

Decoding the Syntax of UNIQUE Function Syntax

Getting the hang of the UNIQUE can be a total game-changer, especially when you’re trying to get rid of duplicate values and keep your data in tip-top shape.

=UNIQUE(range, [by_column], [exactly_once])

Here’s what that means:

  1. range: The range data is to be filtered by entries.
  2. by_column [optional]: Whether to filter the data by columns or by rows. By default, this is false.
  3. exactly_once [optional]: Whether to return only entries with no duplicates. In other words, TRUE returns a unique value that occur exactly once, and FALSE (default) returns a distinct value.
Syntax and structure of the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

🎥 Want to see the UNIQUE function in action? Watch our step-by-step video tutorial that complements this guide, making it easy to understand and apply this powerful Google Sheets feature.

Unique vs. Distinct Values: A Critical Difference

Before diving deeper into the UNIQUE function, it’s essential to understand the difference between ‘unique’ and ‘distinct’ values, as they play a crucial role in data manipulation in Google Sheets:

  1. Distinct Values: these are all the different values in your dataset, counted without repetition. This is primarily what the UNIQUE retrieves by default.
  2. Unique Values: they refer specifically to values that appear exactly once within a dataset. In Google Sheets, achieving this requires setting the exactly_once parameter of the UNIQUE to TRUE.

Understanding this distinction will help you effectively apply this function to meet your specific data analysis needs. Additionally, it can be used to count how many unique values appear in a dataset, providing insights into the diversity of the data. It helps in filtering out duplicates by removing any repeated values, which is particularly useful when managing large datasets or customer information.

Example: Consider a dataset of customers, where each entry includes a customer name and their purchase date. To analyze the diversity of customers and identify outliers, you might want to use both distinct and truly unique values.

So, if you want to extract distinct customer entries, use the following formula:

Using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets to extract distinct Values from a dataset. i-border

This formula will list each customer name without repetition, helping identify all different customers in the dataset.

But, if you want to identify unique customers, here is the formula to use:

Using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets to extract unique values from a dataset. i-border

This adjusted formula filters the customer names to show only those customers who made the purchase exactly once, highlighting unique one-time buyers.

Maximizing Efficiency with the UNIQUE Formula

Mastering the UNIQUE function in sheets is useful for anyone needing to remove duplicates. Whether you're a data analyst or tidying up a spreadsheet, understanding this function makes data management easier. It’s about working smarter and keeping data clean. Filter data first to improve performance before applying the function.

💡 Mastering the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets helps quickly remove duplicates, streamlining data tasks. For deeper data manipulation, explore our article on using the QUERY function effectively.

Basic Applications and Case Studies

The UNIQUE formula is a highly adaptable tool that addresses numerous data handling challenges. Below are some practical uses:

Eliminating Duplicate Entries

The UNIQUE function can be used to remove duplicates. A common application is in event registration management. If you have a list of participants recorded in Column B, applying the formula =UNIQUE(B:B) ensures that each attendee is listed only once. This use is invaluable for maintaining accurate and streamlined registration lists.

Generating a Distinct Product Catalog

For retail inventory management, creating a unique product list is essential. Using the UNIQUE formula, =UNIQUE(C), on a sales transactions column generates a distinct list of products sold. This helps track inventory and avoids redundancy. The function also extracts unique rows, useful for removing duplicates across multiple columns.

Key Considerations When Using the UNIQUE Function

When utilizing the UNIQUE in sheets, consider these key points:

  1. Syntax and Usage: Understand the function's syntax for filtering unique rows in a range while maintaining their original order.
  2. Large Dataset Utility: This is especially beneficial for large datasets where manual sorting of distinct and unique values is impractical.
  3. Range Argument: Essential for the function's operation; it can be a single cell, a range, or an array constant.
  4. By_Column and Exactly_Once Arguments: Optional arguments for column-based filtering and returning entries appearing exactly once.
  5. Handling Data Types: Ensure uniformity in data types within the range for optimal functioning.
  6. Enough Space: Ensure there is enough space in the spreadsheet for the UNIQUE function to output its results. If there isn't enough room due to existing data in adjacent cells, errors like #REF! or #SPILL! may occur.
  7. Merged Cells: The function does not work with merged cells; unmerge if necessary.
  8. Case Sensitivity and Data Order: Be aware of case sensitivity in values and that the function preserves the original data order.

💡 While the UNIQUE function simplifies identifying distinct entries, the IMPORTRANGE function is crucial for incorporating external data into your spreadsheets. Discover how to leverage IMPORTRANGE by exploring our detailed guide and utilizing our free template to enhance your data analysis.

Practical Guide to Applying the UNIQUE Formula in Sheets

Ready to master the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets? Perfect for data analysts and spreadsheet aficionados, our practical guide on UNIQUE is brimming with hands-on examples that will elevate your data management skills.

Get a head start: download our exclusive template featuring all the formulas highlighted in this guide. Additionally, use our unique function template to practice and master the UNIQUE function. It’s a free resource designed to complement your learning experience.

Listing Distinct Occurrences in a Dataset Using UNIQUE Function

A marketing analyst can use UNIQUE on a dataset of advertising campaigns to identify distinct ad types, avoiding duplicates. This quickly extracts a list of ad types, helping assess the diversity and effectiveness of advertising strategies.

For example:


In this case, the formula would be used to extract a list of distinct ad types from the "Ad Type" column (Column E) in this dataset.

Distinct values extracted from a dataset using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

Extending UNIQUE Functionality Across Multiple Columns

The versatility of the UNIQUE function extends beyond single-column analysis. For instance, a sales team might have a spreadsheet with columns for customer names and purchase dates. To identify distinct customer interactions, they can apply UNIQUE across both columns.

To achieve this, use the following formula:


Here, B3:C17 represents the range of customer names and dates, and the function returns a list of customer-date pairs without duplicates. This application is invaluable for analyzing customer engagement patterns over time, offering clear insights into distinct interactions.

Using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets to find distinct values across multiple columns. i-border

Sorting Techniques by Combining UNIQUE with the SORT Function

Combining the UNIQUE and SORT functions in Google Sheets is a powerful technique for organizing and analyzing data. Imagine you're managing a sales team with a large dataset containing sales figures from multiple regions and sales representatives. Some representatives may appear multiple times with different sales amounts.


By applying the formula above, where B3:C17 contains the names and sales figures, you can quickly generate a sorted list of distinct sales representatives (without duplication) along with their sales data. This combination not only removes duplicates but also organizes the data in an easily interpretable manner, making it invaluable for extracting insights and making informed decisions in real-world business scenarios.

Sorting results of the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets using the SORT function. i-border

Handling Horizontal Data with UNIQUE

By default, the UNIQUE in Google Sheets looks down columns to find different items, but when we use TRUE, it changes direction to look across rows. Let's see how it can be applied in a real-life scenario.

In digital marketing, it's crucial to ensure that campaign strategies cover a diverse mix of channels, demographics, and regions without unnecessary repetition. The function can be oriented to work across rows with the TRUE argument to find distinct combinations of these variables.

Extracting Distinct values from horizontal data using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

For instance, if you have columns in your dataset representing a specific campaign setup, including channel, demographic, and region, you would use the following formula:


This helps you to identify any repeated campaign setups and optimize the marketing strategy to cover a broad spectrum without overlap.

Creating Drop-Down Menus from Lists with UNIQUE

Consider an event coordinator organizing a series of workshops. They have a spreadsheet listing various workshop topics, some of which are repeated. To optimize the process of assigning resources, the coordinator can use UNIQUE to create a drop-down menu in. This menu will list only the one-of-a-kind workshop topics, making it easier and more efficient to allocate resources without duplication.

To create a drop-down menu in sheets, follow these steps:

1. First, ensure your workshop topics are listed in the desired column.

2. To generate a list of distinct workshop topics in column E, simply apply the UNIQUE formula =UNIQUE(C3:C17) in cell E3.

Creating drop-down menus based on distinct values in a list using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

3. Select the cell or range where you want the drop-down menu (e.g. C3:C17).

4. Go to "Data" in the menu, then choose "Data Validation."

5. Under the "Criteria" section, select "Dropdown (from a range)." Enter the range where your list is located, which in this case is E3:E11 (or whichever range your list occupies).

6. Click "Save." This applies the drop-down menu to your specified range, allowing you to select from distinct workshop topics.

Alternative method for designing drop-down menus using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

This method efficiently organizes your data and simplifies the resource allocation process for various workshops.

Designing Alphabetical Drop-Down Menus via UNIQUE

Alphabetical sorting combined with UNIQUE is particularly useful for organizing a data set. An alphabetical order makes it easier to locate specific data quickly, enhancing the team's efficiency. Sorting a vast array of data alphabetically ensures a streamlined, user-friendly approach.

Consider a sales manager overseeing a client database with records of client names, industries, and the products they purchased. To facilitate an efficient sales strategy, the manager can use the UNIQUE and SORT functions to create an alphabetical drop-down menu listing each distinct product.

Applying the following formula to the product column would generate this sorted list:


It will make it easier for the sales team to understand product distribution and tailor their sales approaches accordingly.

Using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets to create alphabetically sorted drop-down menus. i-border

To create an alphabetical drop-down menu from distinct data in sheets using Data Validation, use the following steps:

  1. Prepare two separate lists in your sheet: one with your raw data and another for the distinct, sorted list. For example, in this scenario, raw data is in column C (C3:C17), and the distinct, sorted list is in column E (E3:E10).
  2. Select the cell or range where you want the drop-down menu (e.g., C3:C17).
  3. Go to "Data" in the top menu and choose "Data Validation."
  4. Under "Criteria," select "Dropdown (from a range)." Then, input the range containing your distinct list, which is E3:E10
  5. Click "Save" to apply the drop-down menu, enabling selection from your alphabetically sorted distinct list.
Refined design for alphabetical drop-down menus with the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

This method assists in identifying popular products in various industries, as it simplifies navigation through the list, helping the sales team to understand product distribution and focus their strategies on specific items more effectively.

💡 While the UNIQUE function identifies distinct data, Pivot Tables in Google Sheets excel in summarizing analyzing, and organizing complex datasets. Explore our detailed guide on Pivot Tables and download a free template to enhance your data management strategies.

Common Pitfalls and Errors in Using the UNIQUE

Common pitfalls and errors in using the UNIQUE in sheets often stem from overlooks in data setup and formula application.

1. Non-Uniform Data Types

⚠️ Issue: If a range contains both text and numbers, UNIQUE may not function properly, leading to incorrect results.

Solution: Ensure uniform data types within the range. Use functions like TO_TEXT() or VALUE() to convert all data to either text or numeric format before applying UNIQUE.

2. Merged Cells

⚠️ Issue: Merged cells within the range can disrupt the operation of the UNIQUE function. It's crucial to unmerge any cells before applying the function.

✅ Solution: Unmerge any cells in the range before using the UNIQUE formula. You can unmerge cells by selecting them, right-clicking, and choosing 'Unmerge cells'.

3. Large Datasets

⚠️ Issue: Using UNIQUE with very large datasets can significantly slow down sheets. It usually slows down on reaching 50000 to 100000, and 10 million is the cell limit.

✅ Solution: Consider splitting large datasets into smaller ranges, or use Google Sheets' FILTER function as an alternative for larger datasets.

4. Empty Cells Consideration

⚠️ Issue: The function includes empty cells in its output, which might not be desired in some analyses.

✅ Solution: Use a combination of the UNIQUE and FILTER functions to exclude empty cells. For example, =UNIQUE(FILTER(range, range<>"")).

5. Case Sensitivity

⚠️ Issue: UNIQUE is case-sensitive, treating differently capitalized entries as distinct (e.g., "Apple" vs. "apple").

Solution: Use the LOWER() or UPPER() functions to standardize the case of your data before applying the UNIQUE formula.

6. Order of Data

⚠️ Issue: The function preserves the order of data as it appears in the source range, which might require additional sorting if a specific order is needed.

✅ Solution: Combine UNIQUE with the SORT function if a specific order is needed. For example, =SORT(UNIQUE(range)).

Troubleshooting Errors in the UNIQUE Function

Troubleshooting errors for UNIQUE in sheets requires a clear understanding of common issues and their resolutions. Typical errors include #N/A, #REF!, #VALUE!, and #NAME? errors.

These often stem from incorrect range specifications, invalid cell references, or syntax errors. To resolve these, ensure your range is correct, check for correct cell references, and verify the syntax. By addressing these common pitfalls, users can effectively troubleshoot and rectify errors in the function.

Fixing the #VALUE! Error

The #VALUE! error in sheets typically occurs when a function's expected input isn't met. For UNIQUE, this error often arises when the given argument isn't a valid range or is incorrectly formatted.

To fix the #VALUE! error in the formula below, it's important to correct the syntax of the function.

=UNIQUE("Theme Subtheme Cleanup!", "B2:B200")

The UNIQUE function in Google Sheets expects a range as its argument, not a string or multiple arguments. If text strings, incorrect cell references, or data types not compatible with the function are used instead, the #VALUE! error will appear.

Troubleshooting the #VALUE! error encountered with the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

To fix this, ensure that the input to the UNIQUE function is a valid, correctly referenced range that the function can process. In this case, the correct usage would be =UNIQUE(B2:B200), assuming B2:B200 is the range where your data is located. This revised formula will return individual values from the specified range without any errors.

Resolving the #N/A Error

Resolving the #N/A error typically involves addressing issues with the range argument in functions. A function like UNIQUE requires a defined range to operate correctly. If the range is omitted or improperly specified, the function cannot process the data, leading to a #N/A error.

Steps to resolve the #N/A error in the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

It's essential to ensure that the range is correctly set, covering the intended cells or array, to avoid this error and ensure the function performs as expected.

Addressing the #REF! Error

Addressing the #REF! error in sheets often relates to incorrect references in formulas.

For instance, if you use the formula:


It will trigger a "#REF!” error indicating an issue with the sheet reference. This error typically arises when the sheet named 'Sheet8' doesn't exist or has been renamed or deleted.

Solutions for addressing the #REF! error when using the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

To resolve this, ensure that 'Sheet8' is the correct name of the sheet you're referencing and that it exists in your workbook. Correct the sheet name in your formula to match the existing sheet name where your data range (B2:E22) is located.

Clarifying the #NAME? Error

The #NAME? error in sheets arises due to typos in the formula.


The above formula indicates that the spreadsheet does not recognize the function due to a spelling mistake. In this example, "UNIQE" is a typo for the correct function name, "UNIQUE." This error commonly occurs when there's a discrepancy in how a function is spelled, leading Sheets to interpret it as an unknown function.

Understanding and fixing the #NAME? error in the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets. i-border

To rectify this, ensure the function name is spelled correctly as =UNIQUE(C3:C17).

This correction should resolve the error and allow the function to operate as intended.

Enhancing Data Analysis by Integrating the UNIQUE Function with Other Functions

Using the UNIQUE function with other formulas in sheets makes data analysis simpler and more effective. It helps you combine data in new ways, like adding up distinct items or counting them, making it easier to understand and use your data. This approach is great for managing big datasets and getting valuable insights quickly, helping you make better decisions.

Creative Data Manipulation using UNIQUE and TEXTJOIN

Combine the power of the UNIQUE and TEXTJOIN functions for creative data manipulation. This technique is particularly beneficial for SEO specialists managing keyword data.

An SEO specialist might use this combination to analyze keyword trends. Applying the following to merge these keywords into a single cell for a condensed view or report.

Combining the UNIQUE function and Google Sheets TEXTJOIN for advanced data manipulation. i-border

Here's the breakdown:

  1. TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, …): This joins these values into a single string, separating them with a comma and space for readability.
  2. TRUE argument in TEXTJOIN allows ignoring any empty cells in the range.
  3. UNIQUE(B3:B17): This extracts all distinct values from the range B2 to B20.

TEXTJOIN is essential in this formula for its ability to seamlessly merge an array of values, like keywords with no duplicates, with a specified delimiter, ensuring a readable, single-cell output.

This function is key for SEO specialists who need to condense keyword lists into a coherent and manageable format.

Summing Distinct Values with UNIQUE Meets SUMIF

This approach is ideal for business owners and project managers handling financial data. A business owner tracking sales across different regions might use a specific formula.

To sum sales figures for each region, we can use a two-step approach:

1. First, you can generate a distinct list of regions. Place this =UNIQUE(B3:B17) formula in a new column, say column F, starting from cell F3 to create this list.

Summing unique values by combining the UNIQUE function with SUMIF in Google Sheets. i-border

2. Calculate the sum for each region: In column G, next to the region, use the SUMIF formula to calculate the total sales for that region.

=SUMIF(B$3:B$17, F3, C$3:C$17)

3. The formula above will sum sales for the region listed in F3. Drag this formula down the column to apply it to all distinct regions.

Alternative example of using the UNIQUE function with SUMIF in Google Sheets for summing unique data. i-border

This method provides the total sales for each region without complex formulas.

Counting Distinct Entries using UNIQUE with COUNTA

Counting distinct entries becomes a breeze when combining UNIQUE with COUNTA. A marketing manager could use it to count the number of marketing campaigns or strategies used in a list. This would be beneficial in analyzing the diversity of marketing approaches employed over a period.

Here's a formula for this approach:


Here's a breakdown:

  1. UNIQUE(B3:B16): This part of the formula identifies all unique values within the specified range. If there are any duplicate entries, they will be counted only once.
  2. COUNTA(...): This function counts the number of non-empty cells in a range. When used with the UNIQUE function, it counts the number of distinct, non-empty entries identified by UNIQUE(B3:B16).
Counting unique values in a dataset using the UNIQUE function with COUNTA in Google Sheets. i-border

The output for our example would look like this:

Advanced method for counting distinct values with the UNIQUE function and COUNTA in Google Sheets. i-border

Advanced-Data Management with the UNIQUE Function in Google Sheets

The UNIQUE function in Google Sheets is essential for users looking to enhance their data management capabilities by eliminating duplicate entries. This ensures data accuracy and enriches the analytical processes.

Mastering this function can drastically improve productivity and enable sophisticated data operations. This section discusses advanced techniques and professional advice, along with additional resources to help you master the UNIQUE function fully.

Professional Guidance for Mastery of the UNIQUE Function

To master the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets, begin by exploring its ability to manage and refine datasets by removing duplicates effectively. Further, enhance your skills by combining the UNIQUE function with other functions like SORT and FILTER for dynamic data analysis and improved decision-making processes.

Deep Dive into UNIQUE

True mastery starts with a comprehensive understanding of the function. Consider a scenario where you have various entries across multiple columns. Although using =UNIQUE(A2:B10) appears straightforward, its effectiveness is amplified when applied to multidimensional data manipulations.

Navigating Common Errors

It’s crucial to recognize that UNIQUE views each row as a distinct entity. A minor change in any cell creates a new 'unique' entry. To mitigate this, it is advisable to standardize your data beforehand, for instance, by employing the TRIM() function to remove excess spaces.

Combining with Other Functions for Superior Analysis

Enhance your analytical capabilities by integrating UNIQUE with other potent functions such as SORT(), FILTER(), and QUERY(). Using =SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:B100, B2:B100="Specific Criteria"))) can sort unique entries based on specific conditions effectively.

Optimizing for Large Data Sets

Handling large datasets can slow down your Google Sheets operations. To counteract this, limit the use of array formulas and consider breaking complex formulas into smaller, more manageable parts. This strategy not only improves sheet performance but also eases the process of troubleshooting.

By adhering to these professional tips, you can effectively utilize and maximize the potential of the UNIQUE function, ensuring more intelligent and efficient data management in Google Sheets.

Expand Your Knowledge with These Google Sheets Formulas

In Google Sheets, you've got a bunch of handy formulas that make analyzing your data a breeze. There's stuff for stats, finance, playing around with text, and a lot more.

  1. VLOOKUP: It helps you find and get information from a table. There are variations, like VLOOKUP with IF Statements, for detailed analysis.
  2. XLOOKUP: This is a newer and more versatile version of VLOOKUP, making data retrieval easier
  3. MATCH function: It searches for a specific item in a range and returns its relative position. It's perfect for locating values within a list and improving data lookup and organization.
  4. CONCATENATE: A function that merges two or more pieces of text into one continuous string, making it straightforward to amalgamate text from various cells.
  5. FILTER: The function extracts data that meets specific criteria from a range, allowing you to focus on relevant information. It's ideal for narrowing down datasets for more targeted analysis.

Mastering the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets opens up a world of possibilities for data management and analysis. By following this guide, users from various fields can enhance their data processing skills, ensuring clean, efficient, and accurate data analysis. But the journey into Google Sheets' capabilities doesn't end here.

If you're an analyst or data professional who uses Google Sheets to build reports for stakeholders, there are several other powerful tools and formulas at your disposal that can revolutionize the way you work with data.

Linking BigQuery to Google Sheets for Empowered Data Analysis with OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets

The integration of BigQuery to Google Sheets, especially through OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots Extension, significantly enhances the capabilities of the UNIQUE function. This synergy allows for advanced data analysis and management, enabling users to handle larger datasets with increased efficiency and accuracy.

Whether you're a data analyst working on complex data models or a business owner seeking to make data-driven decisions, this OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets offers a robust solution for managing and analyzing data at scale.

As you continue to exploring the diverse functions of Google Sheets, remember that each formula offers unique benefits and insights, from VLOOKUP to ARRAY functions, offers unique benefits and insights. Combining these with advanced data management tools like OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots Extension, you're not just working with data – you're unlocking its full potential to drive impactful decisions and strategies.


How do you use the UNIQUE function in Google Sheets?
How to do a unique query in Google Sheets?
How to extract distinct values based on criteria in Google Sheets?
How do I get unique (or distinct) values from another sheet in Google Sheets?
How do I use COUNTA with UNIQUE?
Why is my UNIQUE formula not working?

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